Are All Drugs Narcotics?

Technically, all drugs are not considered narcotics. The current definition of the term is often confused many individuals, but only one specific class of drugs is considered to be synonymous with it: that of opioid analgesics. Which Drugs are Narcotics? According to the Drug Enforcement Administration, “‘Narcotic’ refers to opium, opium derivatives, and their semi-synthetic …

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How Likely is It for a Prescription Narcotic Abuser to Switch to Heroin?

It is, unfortunately, common for prescription narcotic abusers to switch to heroin if nothing impedes their drug abuse. This is an extremely dangerous and problematic issue that can lead to further drug abuse, addiction, overdose, and death. But how likely is it for a prescription narcotic abuser to switch to heroin? What is the Relationship …

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The Importance of Researching Narcotic Withdrawal Before It Occurs

There are many things you should know about withdrawal from narcotics, whether you have been abusing prescription drugs or illegal opioids or merely taking painkillers as directed by your doctor. Opioid withdrawal has many symptoms and several potential complications, and it will be much safer if you understand what is to come before the syndrome …

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Is Buprenorphine a Safe Treatment for Narcotic Addiction?

According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, “When taken as prescribed, buprenorphine is safe and effective.” The drug is well-tolerated by most of the individuals who take it, and it does not cause some of the problematic side effects caused by other treatments for opioid addiction. Though there are some issues with …

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What to Say to Someone You Want to Seek Treatment

Drug abuse and addiction can be devastating to the people using the drugs, as well as those around them. Unfortunately, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, it can be very difficult to quit, even if they want to. One of the best things you can do is to talk to someone if you …

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Unhealthy Behaviors that Contribute to Drug Addiction

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, there are many things that contribute to drug addiction but there is no one predictor of it. There are however unhealthy behaviors that can contribute to the likelihood of becoming a drug addict. Previous Addictive Behavior Addictive behavior is a key indicator of later addiction. Although this …

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How to tell if Your Child is Dealing Drugs

Although there are thousands of documents telling you what to look for if your child is on drugs, there are not many ways to tell if your child is actually selling drugs. According to the Department of Justice, the mandatory minimum sentence for dealing drugs is determined by the drugs that the person is selling. …

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10 Reasons to Start Treatment Today

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, drug addiction is a complex illness that can quickly get out of control. Many people say that addiction takes hold of them before they realize it. They are caught in the cycle of drug abuse, which is why starting treatment early is so important. There are many …

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5 of the Most Common Narcotics According to the DEA

The Drug Enforcement Administration or DEA lists five of the most commonly abused narcotics and their properties. These narcotics are very addictive and very difficult to get off once you are addicted. Although withdrawal from these drugs is not deadly it is extremely unpleasant which makes the relapse rate extremely high. If you are addicted to …

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