How Can Opiate Addiction Treatment Help Me?

Anyone who abuses opiates on an ongoing basis well knows how drug use can take on a life of its own. What starts out as fun recreational use soon turns into a compulsive need that quickly takes over one’s daily life.

By the time a person reaches the point of considering opiate addiction treatment, serious problems have likely developed in his or her life.

Opiate addiction treatment encompasses a range of interventions designed to walk a person through the recovery process. Since addiction exerts its greatest effect on the mind, a big part of the opiate addiction treatment process focuses on helping you overcome the addiction mindset while developing habits and behaviors that support drug-free living for the long term.

Opiate Addiction Components

Opiate Addiction Treatment

Opiate addiction treatment helps you develop a drug-free lifestyle.

According to Wisconsin Medical Journal, long-term opiate abuse breeds two different kinds of dependence: physical and psychological.

Physical dependence develops as the drug weakens neurotransmitter-producing cells in the brain. After a certain point, the brain becomes dependent on opiate effects to regulate the body’s systems. These developments account for the withdrawal episodes that develop along the way.

Psychological dependence develops out of the brain chemical imbalances that result from ongoing opiate abuse. These imbalances have an adverse effect on the brain’s reward system, an area that dictates the mind’s thinking patterns and emotional responses to daily life experiences.

Opiates skew these functions to the point where a person becomes obsessed with getting and using drugs.

Not sure if your insurance will help cover your treatment costs? Call our helpline at 800-934-1582(Who Answers?) for more information.

How Opiate Addiction Treatment Can Help

Breaking the Body’s Physical Dependence

Breaking the body’s physical dependence on opiates marks the first step in the opiate addiction treatment process. This entails stopping drug use altogether, which brings on severe withdrawal effects, such as:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Agitation
  • Abdominal cramping
  • Depression
  • Problems sleeping
  • Alternating chills and fever
  • Bouts of anxiety
  • Muscle aches

Opiate addiction treatment programs administer medications that help to reduce the severity of symptoms. Ongoing emotional supports are also provided through support group meets, psychotherapy and group therapy sessions.

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47,300* People Addicted
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8,209* Deaths
*Statistic from 2015

Breaking the Mind’s Psychological Dependence

The psychological dependence opiate abuse breeds lies at the heart of addiction. Consequently, most of the opiate addiction treatment process centers on breaking the mind’s dependence on opiates, which is much harder to break than the body’s physical dependence.

According to Kentucky Division of Behavioral Health, psychological dependence affects the way a person thinks, as well as his or her motivations and priorities, all of which drive compulsive drug-using behavior. Opiate addiction treatment programs employ several interventions designed to treat different aspects of psychological dependence. Interventions commonly used include:

With ongoing opiate addiction treatment, a person starts to develop healthy habits, behaviors and ways of managing stress that combined, form a drug-free lifestyle.

If you or someone you know are considering opiate addiction treatment and need help finding a program that meets your needs, please feel free to call our toll-free helpline at 800-934-1582(Who Answers?) to speak with one of our addictions specialists.

the Take-Away

Opiate addiction treatment works to break your physical and psychological dependence on drugs so you can learn to live a sober and healthy life.