Receiving opioid dependence treatment can help you avoid addiction and get your life back!
Recognizing the Need for Opiate Dependence Treatment
Opiates have become the go-to drugs for treating pain symptoms of all kinds. The pain-relieving properties of opiates also come with certain unintended effects, such as euphoria and contentment that tend to promote dependence and addiction.
For people using these drugs on a regular basis, the risk of opiate dependence runs considerably high.
It doesn’t take very long at all before the need for opiate dependence treatment becomes an issue, though it can be difficult for a person to recognize the signs. Opiate effects work quietly, behind the scenes, weakening the brain’s chemical processes while gradually take over the brain’s chemical system.
For these reasons, being able to recognize the need for opiate dependence treatment early on can save a person a lot of heartache down the road.
Opiate Effects on Brain Function
The brain naturally integrates opiates within its chemical system due to similarities between the chemical makeup of opiates and the brain’s own neurotransmitter chemicals. According to the Journal of Science & Practice Perspectives, opiate abuse offsets the brain’s chemical environment causing widespread disruption to the body’s major systems.
Opiate dependence takes hold when the brain becomes dependent on opiate effects to maintain normal body functions. In effect, repeated opiate abuse overworks chemical-producing cells in the brain, making them increasingly dependent on the drug to produce needed neurotransmitter materials.
These effects become more so severe the longer a person keeps abusing these drugs. Opiate dependence treatment works to restore a normal chemical balance and equip a person with the skills needed to cope with daily life pressures on a drug-free basis.
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Signs of Opiate Dependence
Signs of opiate dependence reflect the overall state of dysfunction in the brain’s chemical system. In effect, the more severe the signs the greater the damage to brain cell processes.
One of the first signs that there’s a need for opiate dependence treatment takes the form of increasing brain tolerance levels, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. As opiates wear down affected cells, larger drug amounts must be ingested to produce the same desired effects. In turn, ingesting larger drug amounts only works to increase brain tolerance levels creating a vicious cycle of drug abuse.
Someone who experiences withdrawal effects on a regular basis may also want to consider getting opiate dependence treatment as withdrawal episodes tend to prompt continued drug use. Withdrawal effects typically take the form of:
- Insomnia
- Intense drug cravings
- Aching muscles
- Agitation
- Anxiety
- Bouts of depression
- Restlessness
In effect, withdrawal episodes become a part of the drug abuse cycle, driving continued drug use and worsening the state of opiate dependence.
The Need for Opiate Dependence Treatment
In the absence of needed opiate dependence treatment, brain chemical imbalances become increasingly worse, creating ideal conditions for a full-blown addiction to take root. Once addiction sets in, the brain’s physical dependence on opiates morphs into a psychological dependence leaving a person unable to cope with daily life without the drug’s effects.
If you or someone you know are considering opiate dependence treatment and need help finding a program that meets your needs, please feel free to call our toll-free helpline at 800-934-1582(Who Answers?) to speak with one of our addictions specialists.
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