There are many benefits to attending NA meetings as part of a well-rounded narcotic addiction treatment program, or as an aftercare option.
Are NA Meetings Helpful to Narcotic Addicts?
NA meetings can be a very helpful tool in the treatment of narcotic addiction. However, they are best used as one part of a well-rounded recovery program assisted by professional healthcare providers. If you have been struggling with addiction to opioids and want to seek help, call 800-934-1582(Who Answers?) today, and let us match you with a rehab program that can cater to your needs.
What Is NA and How Does It Help Narcotic Addicts?
According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, NA (also called Narcotics Anonymous) provides “recovery from drug addiction through a 12-step program including regular attendance at group meetings.”
Members meet one another and discuss their personal journeys through recovery while attempting to help one another become stronger and practice beneficial life skills.
It has been proven that 12-step programs like NA can be very helpful for certain individuals, and that these programs can create numerous beneficial effects during recovery. According to the US Department of Veteran Affairs, “Individuals with [substance use disorders] who participate in 12-step [self-help groups] tend to experience better alcohol and drug use outcomes than do individuals who do not participate in these groups.” But how can the meetings specifically help those with narcotic addictions?
NA Meetings for Narcotic Addicts
The meetings themselves usually provide members with a number of benefits, such as:

The 12 steps can keep you motivated throughout your recovery.
- Additional social interaction
- Interactions with those who will support one’s journey of recovery and encourage them to continue making healthy life choices
- Peer discussion that can help members step outside themselves and see themselves through the eyes of others
- Support that allows members to feel less alone in their journey of recovery
- Help with difficult but beneficial concepts such as abstinence
In addition, a person who attends these meetings regularly may also be able to create lasting friendships with some of the other members, which can foster a deeper and more intense version of the effects above.
Many people also choose to partner with a sponsor when attending meetings and then outside of them as well. This can help members stay motivated in their recoveries and be more likely to attend and continue attending meetings often.
Is NA Only for Opioid Addicts?
No. NA is actually for any individual who is addicted to a substance of any kind; the organization itself even states that the name, Narcotics Anonymous, is not meant to “imply a focus on any particular drug,” nor is it meant to cause a differentiation between drugs and alcohol (Narcotics Anonymous Organization).
However, a person with an opioid addiction is likely to feel more at home in NA meetings than those specifically associated with alcohol (Alcoholics Anonymous), crystal meth (Crystal Meth Anonymous), or another specific type of drug.
How Are 12-step Meetings Best Utilized for Recovery?
The best way a person can use this particular organization’s meetings to their advantage during recovery is to attend a professional rehab program in addition to these meetings. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, “Most drug addiction treatment programs encourage patients to participate in group therapy during and after formal treatment,” and this could be a great option for your recovery.
Often, those who rely only on a 12-step group to help them recover are disappointed in the results. This is because, usually, individuals struggling with addiction need help from a well-rounded treatment program, especially at first, in order to create the types of changes they want to see.
Then, once your professional treatment program ends, if you decide you would like to begin or continue going to NA meetings, this can be a very beneficial option. It is important to allow yourself to ask for help from multiple sources during this time, especially if you have never sought treatment for a narcotic addiction before.
Narcotics Anonymous Meetings as Part of Treatment
One’s treatment program should offer all the options necessary for the individual’s needs to be met. A program like NA can meet a number of an individual’s important needs in order to help them create a safe and beneficial recovery from narcotic abuse and addiction. If you are still searching for a rehab program that will help you succeed in your recovery, call 800-934-1582(Who Answers?) now.
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