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Upcoming NA Meetings
Time | Name | Address / Platform | Region |
12:00 PM | Let It Out Group | 1862 Beld Street | Madison |
12:00 PM | Miracles Happen Group | 933 Ferry Street | La Crosse |
1:00 PM | We Do Recover Group Dubuque | 1166 One half Main Street | Dubuque |
5:00 PM | Prairie du Chien Group | 808 North Wacouta Avenue | Prairie Du Chien |
5:30 PM | Living Clean in Sun Prarie Group | 550 Lincoln Drive | Sun Prairie |
6:00 PM | New Beginnings Group La Crosse | Online 933 Ferry Street | La Crosse |
6:00 PM | Straight Ahead Group | 207 West Cook Street | Portage |
7:00 PM | By Young Addicts For Young Addicts Group | 511 North Carroll Street | Madison |
7:00 PM | Life without Bars Group | 307 6th Street | Reedsburg |
7:00 PM | More Cowbell Group | 2703 Sand Lake Road | Onalaska |
7:30 PM | Monday Night Munchies Group | 1195 Prysi Street | Dubuque |
8:30 PM | Nameless Monday Group | 29 South Mills Street | Madison |
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