Telling your parents that you have an addiction is hard enough but asking for treatment might seem even harder. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, seeking treatment is the best way to overcome a drug addiction. Unfortunately, many children do not get the treatment they need because they are afraid to talk to …
How to tell Your Parents You Want Treatment For an Addiction to Narcotics
Telling your parents that you have an addiction is hard enough but asking for treatment might seem even harder. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, seeking treatment is the best way to overcome a drug addiction. Unfortunately, many children do not get the treatment they need because they are afraid to talk to their parents. There are things that you can do to make asking for treatment easier.
Talk to Them about your Addiction

Your parents will likely be angry to learn of your addiction, but they’ll still want to help you.
Sit your parents down when they are calm and in a good mood. Do not approach them when they are stressed or have other things on their mind. Remember if they do not suspect already, they are likely to be angry about your addiction.
Try to remain calm in the face of their anger. Remember you are there to get treatment and not argue with your parents. Wait calmly until they are ready to listen to reason. Once they are ready talk to them about treatment.
Explain that you have thought this Out
Once they are calm, explain that you need to get off drugs and going cold turkey locked in your bedroom is not the best way to do it. Present factual arguments for treatment. You will find many of them at the teen websites for drug abuse and addiction. This will give you an edge when talking to them. Having the information before hand, shows them that you really do want treatment.
Although they might not think that your decisions are sound, by talking to them calmly and rationally they will become convinced that this is the right choice for your addiction. Most parents will be quick to judge if you are not calm when you talk to them. It is also important to make sure that you are not high when you do.
Tell them About the Treatment You Have Chosen
Explain your treatment options. There are many types of treatment that fall into two main categories. These two categories are:
- Inpatient treatment – this is residential treatment where you stay at the facility. The advantage to inpatient treatment is that you are away from the drugs and the things that cause you to use them. All of your needs are taken care of while you are in treatment including food and shelter.
- Outpatient treatment – outpatient treatment allows you to remain in school while you are in drug treatment. You go to treatment daily or weekly. At treatment you will receive counseling as well as any medication that you need.
Either treatment choice is a proven one. There is evidence that both work. Most people who use these treatment options wind up in permanent recovery. Convincing your parents of this should not be hard once you present them with the treatment statistics.
Where can your Parents Call for Help Deciding?
Your parents can call us for help deciding on a treatment center. We can provide information on any of the treatment options. For more information call 1- 800-934-1582(Who Answers?) .
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