Treatment can vary for each person, as each individual and their situation is unique. However, methadone addiction treatment generally involves a combination of behavioral therapy and medication.
How is Methadone Addiction Treated?
According to the National Drug Intelligence Center, “Although methadone has been legally available in the United States since 1947, more recently, it has emerged as a drug of abuse.” Unfortunately, methadone addiction is a serious issue today in the United States and all over the world. The large amounts of diversion and abuse associated with this medication “may be driven in part by the ready availability of the drug as it increasingly is used in the treatment of narcotic addiction and to relieve chronic pain.” But how is methadone addiction treated?
Immediate Methadone Addiction Treatment

When first entering a hospital or rehab facility for methadone addiction, vitals are taken and the patient is evaluated.
When a person is first admitted to a rehab clinic or hospital for this condition, their vitals are taken and they are stabilized (in the instance that they may have overdosed on the drug). After this, the doctor is able to ask the individual questions about their previous and current drug use, any treatment programs they have previously attended, and their needs as a patient. An individual treatment program is created for the patient, and they can then begin their journey of recovery.
It should be stated that, if a patient was taking methadone as an addiction treatment before and wound up abusing the drug, they might require inpatient care, at least for the first stint of their treatment. This kind of program provides 24-hour care in a controlled environment, which can be necessary for individuals who may have struggled with a more lenient program.
Medication for Methadone Addiction Treatment
Methadone is one of the most widely used and highly trusted medications for the treatment of opioid addiction. However, if a person was already abusing methadone, doctors may be hesitant to give it to them again. Methadone is also stronger than buprenorphine and more easily tolerated by patients than naltrexone, though, so it may still be the medication of choice for the individual who has a strong physical dependence on opioids and who is not ready for the difficult trial of naltrexone treatment. Still, this depends entirely on the patient, their needs, and the decision they make together with their doctor while in methadone addiction treatment.
Behavioral Therapy for Methadone Addiction Treatment
There are many types of behavioral therapy available, and having at least one involved in a person’s treatment program is usually beneficial. Many individuals do well with cognitive-behavioral therapy, a program that teaches patients new ways to view their addictions and how to cope with the issues their drug abuse has left behind, while others may benefit from contingency management, a voucher-based program where patients are given rewards for staying sober. Family, couples, and group therapy have also all been found to be especially helpful for certain age groups as well as individuals who can benefit by connecting with others.
Seek Methadone Addiction Treatment Now
There are many programs that will help patients overcome methadone addiction as well as any other comorbid issues they are currently dealing with. Call 800-934-1582(Who Answers?) today to find a treatment center or to simply find out more about methadone and its addiction syndrome.
the Take-Away