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Upcoming NA Meetings
Time | Name | Address / Platform | Region |
10:00 AM | Wednesday Morning Recovery Group | 684 North Park Avenue | Warren |
10:00 AM | Better Together Group | 17 6th Avenue | Greenville |
12:00 PM | Just For Today Group Warren | 444 Pennsylvania Avenue West | Warren |
1:00 PM | Together We Can Group Sharon | 912 East State Street | Sharon |
6:00 PM | Here and Now Group | 2345 Youngstown Road Southeast | Warren |
6:00 PM | Journey To Freedom Group | 912 East State Street | Sharon |
6:00 PM | Alive and Free Group | 250 West 7th Street | Erie |
7:00 PM | Champion Group | 3924 High Street NW | Warren |
7:00 PM | Clean And Free Group Ashtabula | 1352 West Prospect Road | Ashtabula |
7:00 PM | Words Mean Nothing Group | 1933 Canfield Road | Youngstown |
7:00 PM | New Beginners Group | 212 North Mill Street | New Castle |
7:00 PM | Recovery Group Corry | 921 North Center Street | Corry |
7:00 PM | The NA Way Group | 210 South Broad Street | Grove City |
7:00 PM | United Freedom Group | 118 Grant Street | Franklin |
7:00 PM | Inner Peace Group | 643 West 17th Street | Erie |
7:30 PM | Home At Last Group | 31 Park Street | Madison |
7:30 PM | Hump Day Recovery Group | 890 Churchill Road | Girard |
7:30 PM | Wednesday Night Choice Group | 912 East State Street | Sharon |
7:30 PM | It Works How And Why Group Youngstown | 517 South Belle Vista Avenue | Youngstown |
8:00 PM | Without Parallel Group | 2615 West 32nd Street | Erie |
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