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Upcoming NA Meetings
Time | Name | Address / Platform | Region |
10:00 AM | Stay N Grow Group | 102 Court Street | Laconia |
4:00 PM | Yes A New Freedom Group | 4 Post Office Square | Plymouth |
5:00 PM | Faith in Recovery Group Laconia | 71 B Beacon Street | Laconia |
5:30 PM | One Promise Group Conway | 85 Pleasant Street | Conway |
6:00 PM | We All Belong Group Laconia | 172 Pleasant Street | Laconia |
6:30 PM | Freedom Through Unity Group | 27 Pleasant Street | Concord |
6:30 PM | Free at Last Group Kennebunk | 6 Dane Street | Kennebunk |
7:00 PM | We Do Recover Group Waterville | Online 61 Pleasant Street | Waterville |
7:00 PM | So Fresh and So Clean Group Portland | 66 State Street | Portland |
7:00 PM | Principles Before Personalities Group Portland | 156 High Street | Portland |
7:30 PM | Clean to Grow Group | 63 South Main Street | Rochester |
7:45 PM | Keep it Real Group Dover | 789 Central Ave | Dover |
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